How to play?:
The aim of the game is to assess stereotypes of young people about domestic work and to raise awareness of its disproportionate distribution among genders. While playing, participants take on the role of working mothers in teams and then organise their daily tasks into a weekly agenda using task cards, based on their own choices. Through this activity, they can experience what a working mother faces every day.
Skills improved
During the game, participants learn about domestic work and develop their creativity, empathy and time management skills by planning their weekly tasks.
The reason for creating the game is that the disproportionate distribution of domestic work places a huge burden on women with children, who are also disadvantaged in the labour market due to their living circumstances. The first test took place in 2019 at the 5th Vision of Tomorrow Workshop, where 60 high school and university students were introduced to the game in Hungarian and English. The improved version was presented at the 6th and 7th Vision of Tomorrow Workshops and 212 students from a secondary school were invited to play the role of a mother in a family.
The creators
Dóra Hajnalné Darabos is a community coordinator student, former co-president of CASSI (2019-2021). As a mother of four herself, she has experienced the difficulties of reconciling parenthood and work in her own life, and she first aimed to raise awareness of this issue among male employers and employees, but after testing it with participants from different demographic backgrounds, she found that there is generally a very low level of awareness of women’s domestic work across society.